In March, George loaned Sir Author to Linda and JT. They brought him home yesterday. He is prettier now and looks more like a real billy. That may be because they feed their goats everyday. We do not feed in the summer at all.
Bertha is still the boss.
The kids like the 4 wheeler, but Daddy and Papa really like it.
Hannah got 2 new chests for her room so she has room for all her clothes. We are painting her night stand and mirror to match. She wants them all the same. The mirror is ready for Daddy to hang. We may paint her two little tables this afternoon.
We bought garden plants and flowers, but we have not gotten the flowers in the ground. It has been very wet. The garden is planted, but it is full of weeds. George took the little tiller for a spring tune up. It will be back sometime this week, but it is way to wet to till. I have some onions, radishes and lettuce. I planted tomatoes, green peppers, squash, cukes, and cantalope. And one pumpkin vine Robert planted in Mrs. Barnharts class.
Today, it is raining again. I have not been waking nearly as much but I did 7 miles yesterday. I cant't remember how many miles I have.