Friday, June 28, 2024

The Dawning...

Sometimes, we see what we don't want to see, we know what we don't want to know.

I am 76 years old, but I still work at a regular job.  I have had this exact job for over 20 years.  The job has changed over the years, but it is still the same job and it is easy.  It is all mental work on a computer, with no physical work. Many days, I have completed everything I need to do in the first 3 hours, except for 5 to 10 minutes of routine task that need to be completed hourly. I recieve good pay, especiallly because the work is easy with little stress. I will continue to work in this job as long as I can.

Last night, two men a few years older than me interviewed for the citizen's vote to be the next President of our county. Watching only a little, and listening later, I came to a terrible 'dawn'.  Neither of these two canidates is capable of doing my job. Daddy was right, nothing I do will have any power in that other game. I am going to work now. On with my own life.  No need to worry about something I have no control over. Leave that to the dowdling old men.