The son bought the grandson, son to be 16 and driving age, a new old pickup. It is not that pretty, but it is in good shape, mechanically. Grandma helped with a few $$$, but Dad paid most of it. Lane did not help pay and I don't think he even got a vote on what to buy. I wish I could find a charm that says, 'I love my grandma best'. I would put it on a chain and hang it from the rear view mirror.
They bought it from Bud Rowlett's brother. George said someone who worked at the plant for years and his brother did too. He said Al something for the last name. Rowlett, Al, almost the same. And, he said the brother's name was Jack. I guess Bud's name could be Jack, because I have no idea what his name really is. I was trying to remember the father's name. All I remember is Old Man Rowlett. He said their mother is still living. I think the father died 30 or more years ago.
Making beef stew and a German Chocolate cake with coconut frosting for supper. Should be ready soon. George is haying down at Frank's with cousin Kenneth.
Helen, I think Harvey had cancer. He was in hospice for a month or so.
Anyway, that is my news for today. Next week is BIG audit week. I will be glad when it is over.