Is broke, and having to try to remember passwords to everything in the world is a burden. My regular doctor's office has a web portal to login to for messages. Iam forever losing the key. They send messages to login. I knew when they sent a message a few days ago that it meant my regular check-up was coming up, but when. I finally figured out how to get in this am. they have 3 email messages in their app with details of there covid policy. There is nothing in any of these messages that could not have been in one regular message, or better yet, just posted on there website.
Appointment that I forgot is July 21 @ 1 pm. Now why could they no just text that. Too easy, I guess.
And my cateract surgery is back on. July 15. Today, I go for a rescan of my left eye. I am glad it is in again.
The pic is 2 little figures I gitvatvthe junk store last week. They go perfectly with the little church I already had.
Beautiful hot day today.