Helen sez, "go to the sixth folder under My Pictures, and post the sixth picture in that foler." the sixth folder under my Pictures is Upload. That folder is one I made for uploading photos to the net so that I can easliy locate the right photos. I think the last time I used it was a year ago Christmas to upload's Bill's wedding photos for Helen. Today it is empty. No photo.
I decided to post pictures anyway. My big girl will be 8 years old tomorrow. We are so proud of her. She made straight A's on her semester report card. She got her hair cut and gave 12 inches to locks of love.
The little girl does not take a good photo because her face always looks washed out. Then, she will not stand still in a good pose long enough for me to snap the camera.
The puppy is George's. We do not have him in the house now. We named him Buster. He is cute, but he gets under your feet when you walk outside. I am not a big puppy fan. I hope he grows up and makes a good dog like Bear. If he lives. He is having a hard time learning that when a truck starts up you should go get on the proch. George and the kids think up evasive actions to get him out of the way. I use tough love.