Thursday, June 12, 2014

Helen...My Beautiful Sister...

I just thought I would post this today so everyone would know what a wonderful sister I have.....

Patsy bought Helen this hat and dress she must have been about 4 years old. I know some people might think she was posing thinking she was hot stuff since she had a cute hat.... I  her so well I am sure she was just being her angelic self....

You know once she was asked if she was an Angel....

She lives by me now and it is so nice to have her here....Sometimes she comes up and stays here while I am at work. I never have to worry about her getting on my computer or anything even tho she knows my passwords....

Oh yes and Hannah lost a tooth last night and the tooth Fairy did not come till Helen showed up this morning....I need to be better about that....For awhile Hannah was upset because the Tooth Fairy had forgotten her... Some money seems to be missing off George's night stand. The Tooth Fairy uses any means possible.....

Monday, June 09, 2014

More Kids...

Little Sister has two new babies, a boy and a girl.  

This is the nannie.  She is really cute.

The boy is black and white and the girl is brown and white.

The rest of the herd going to visit Uncle Clayton.  Baby Grey, to the left of Big Red here, and Patsy, just in front of Big White will both have kids by the end of the month.  If you click to enlarge the image, you can see Baby Grey is making a bag already.

In March, we had a herd of 20.  Sold 8, leaving 12.  Now we are back to 18.  Will be over 20 again by the time all the June babies are born, but we should  not be having any more babies until next year.  We are selling off all the little billies next month, and maybe some of the smaller nannies.  Clayton will be so sad to see them go.