Another thing that irritates me about this OS is the way it treats pics. When I put my SD card in the Win 7 machine, it scans the card and then offers to download the new pics to the machine, ignoring all those that I have already downloaded. On this thing, it first takes 2 or 3 minutes to scan all the pics on the card, then offers to import the new pics. So, just now I took the card to the other machine and erased all the old pics, 4 hundred and some odd pics. Now, I have on this machine, these pics of Callens Branch little bit of water that got my feet wet yesterday. If you zoom in, you can see a knob of ice in the mix.
I will not be walking this am, as it is 8 degrees now. It is supposed to get up to the mid 30's late this afternoon, so that is when I will walk.
This is dog that followed me home from Dan's yesterday. I think she belongs to the Mexicans at the Stone place. She stayed last night, but she will likely be leaving as Tuffy will not let her eat here. I think that is likely why Old Yeller would not stay here. That is OK, one dog is enough for me.
I read and scanned through Numbers 9 last night. Today, when I walk I need to take a trash bag and pick up trash if I want to be resolute this week. I usually think of the bag when I see the first big bit of trash along the road. Maybe I will put some wally world bags in my vest pocket, so they will always be handy.
Chrome is behaving more to my liking than IE 11. So far, I have not switched default browsers, but that will likely be next.