It has been about a year now since we did the test. There has been no change in matches within the Powell surname group for us. We have NO exact matches in the Powell surname tested at Family Tree DNA. There are 5 DNA samples in the Powell group that have a generic distance of 1 on the 12 marker test. That means one or two of the 12 markers are different.
Now, sister Betty is once again voicing doubt that Charles was really a Powell because of no matches within the Powell group. We may as well use these results to doubt that we are human. There are 441 exact 12 marker matches within all the DNA tested at Family Tree, but there are exactly 2 exact 25 marker matches in the 152,614 DNA samples tested at FT, and of course, their names are not Powell (Marshall and Gregory). Of the 65,008 samples tested for 37 marker DNA, FT has conducted so far, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA are exact matches to our Powell DNA.
DNA has made monkeys of our Powell ancestors.