Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30, Curly Day

Friday is always go home early day, so today after I got off at noon, I went to the beautifier shop and got my hair curled.  It looks and feels much better.

Tomorrow is the first day of December, and it is supposed to be almost 70 degrees.  Not bad for December in the Ozarks.

I went up the road and visited with Old Man Powell this afternoon.  While we were sitting in his living room talking, he looked out the door and said, there are the deer out there.  I had my camera, so I went out and took a few pictures of his deer.  I did not realize it, but I guess the deer up by his house are a different breed than we see down here.

Here are a couple of pictures of his wildlife.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27

Mama and twins were out grazing before 5 tonight when there was still good light for a picture.  Sunday is the last day of modern gun season.  I hope all three make it through,  This is the second year  Mama has raised twins in the corner behind that big tree in the background.  

Today was the coolest yet, getting down in the mid to low 20's this morning, but it was still a bright, sunshiny day.  By Sunday we are supposed to be up close to 70 degrees again.  A great way to start December.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, going back to work

Is for the birds...

Actually, it was not too bad.  Took a whole week off and was caught up on my work before noon.

Helen, we got the package.  Hannah and Robert will love it all, but Hannah surely will love the fancy dresses.

Patsy is OK.  I talked to her yesterday.  I asked why she was not posting and she said she did not have anything to post about.

And, I did not forget Erin's birthday, at least not completely.  I was going to post happy birthday Saturday and went looking for a pic of Erin from years ago on my computer.  Well, I do not have the old pictures on this computer, and as I was looking for the right picture, I found something that made me think about looking for someone on the 1940 census.  That led to several hours of looking for dead people stuff, and then trying to find one of my trees online that I do not have on this computer.   Forgot all about birthdays, because I was wound up in dead days.

Then, I went to the library site and downloaded a book about Lawrence of Arabia.  I read on it several hours Saturday and yesterday.  It is interesting. 

Anyway, I hope you had a good birthday, Erin.