Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30, Curly Day

Friday is always go home early day, so today after I got off at noon, I went to the beautifier shop and got my hair curled.  It looks and feels much better.

Tomorrow is the first day of December, and it is supposed to be almost 70 degrees.  Not bad for December in the Ozarks.

I went up the road and visited with Old Man Powell this afternoon.  While we were sitting in his living room talking, he looked out the door and said, there are the deer out there.  I had my camera, so I went out and took a few pictures of his deer.  I did not realize it, but I guess the deer up by his house are a different breed than we see down here.

Here are a couple of pictures of his wildlife.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Those are ugly deer!