Thursday, January 05, 2023



And doing....

Sister Helen has been working on her end of times again.  Me, not so much. I guess she wants to make it easy on those left behind by taking care of everything herself.

When we were taking care of George's funeral arrangement, Son said something to the effect of I guess you have taken care of the details of your funeral details.  I told him no, that was his job.  I buried Baby Sister, Dad, and Mom and he could do the same for me. I did make the decisions about George's funeral, but Son generously paid the full cost. I don't really care about my funeral.  I will not be there. It is my absolute belief that no one ever has or ever will care about their own funeral after they are dead.  Funerals are really for the living.  Only the living care about them.  Only the living are in attendance.

I think the Repubs have been making arrangements for a funeral all week. We can only sit on the sidelines and cheer.

Wednesday, January 04, 2023


Betty send me birthday money. I spent a little of it on this little blue speckled coffee pot to store coffee for the coffee maker. l already had the blue bowl that I put the coffee filters in. I also bought the clear glass container for a cookie jar.  See thru cookie jars work best so everyone knows you have cookies. 

So it begins, the next quarter.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Maybe it is Spring

We had lots of winter last week. Now it feels like Spring.  We even had tornado warnings last night.

Tomorrow I am taking a day off and taking my car in for service.  Then just do whatever I want. 

Monday, January 02, 2023


 I am doing much better with my walking with the warmer weather.

Saturday, Dec 31 last year I walked to the blue gate past the Stone place, 3 miles round trip.

This is the sheep dog and sheep at the Stone place.

Sunday, Jan 1 this year I walked over to the Y where the road forks and then came back across the Rock Quarry to home.  With meandering around across the hill, I probably went a little more than miles.

Today, Jan 2, I walked up the Meek hill and down the other side to Jr's kids house, a little more than 3 miles round trip.

Tomorrow, it is back to work and mostly walking the stairs at work.  If it is as nice as today, I might walk after I get home.  Right now it is 66 and raining, but we topped out at 75 today.

More Resolute

 Helen and I have come up with more resolutions.  One we are confident we can keep.  At least I know she can.

We resolve I know, what I know, that I know and will not allow facts or logic to interfere.

I got the images from the game camera just now.  Here are a few.


With a beautiful sky this morning. Have the day off with no plans. Just what I like. In a bit I will walk. 

I have made a few plans for this year. Walk more, eat more vegetables & fruits, eat more of what I have on hand. We will see how that goes. For breakfast today I had tuna, one slice of toast, and a glass of juice. I am planning stir fry for dinner/lunch. Only two meals today.

It was so warm yesterday I only had the heat on for about 15 minutes in early morning and it felt stuffy and hot last night.

Wonderful life to all.

This is the handy dandy this am.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Good as new

With a new paint job. Sister Helen painted my couch.  It looks almost like it did twelve years ago when it was new.  Who knew you could paint a couch.