Monday, April 04, 2011

Important and not so much

There are opinions and then there are facts.  Many people confuse the two and their point of confusion can usually be attributed to viewpoint.  Things expressed by another when viewed by oneself are often pointed to as opinions. Things expressed by oneself when viewed by oneself are often pointed to as fact.

When I was a child, I did not get along well with my mother.  I was often mean and hateful. My mother was a good mother, always.  I was not always a good daughter.  I don't have many regrets about my adult life, but I do regret behaving badly towards my mother when I was a child.  I should have treated her with greater respect.

Patsy and I are having a dispute about cemeteries.  Patsy remembers playing in a cemetery as a child that was either on the farm Daddy owned or very close by over on the Leather's place.  In Patsy's memory, this cemetery is not in the same location as the cemetery that George and I are working on cleaning. In Patsy's memory, her cemetery had large trees and marked gravestones with names and dates, not just a cemetery with a few unmaked rocks.  The problem with this memory is that it means there would have had to have at one time been two cemeteries in the area of our home place or very near to our home place just across the fence on the Leathers place.  Even in Patsy's memory, there is not two cemeteries, only one cemetery that is located in a different place yet very near to the location of the current know cemetery.   Two memories, but only one cemetery.

Now we have the answer. When I went to log in at Yahoo today, the page said :


Yahoo is the answer to all our questions.  And, that is one of the major things that is wrong with our world today, that anyone could write those words and not realize how stupid the concept that what matters most in anyone's world would be available on a webpage anywhere in anyone's world.

All those things are the not so much.  Here is the important stuff.  Last weekend Robert was here and he was holding up his fingers and tallying things off.  He loves watching cars or other things crash on TV, so he would touch one finger and say, it broke, touch the next finger and say, it went off the road, touch another finger and add a detail until he got to the fifth finger which was always it CRASHED.  I have tried to get him to count things, and he would repeat the words, but it was obvious he did not get the concept of counting.  When he was tallying things off on his fingers, I thought they were getting somewhere with learning to count.  This weekend he was here again and he was counting his cars one two three four five. And, he understood that was how many cars he had as in this is two cars but that is five cars.  That is really important in my world and Yahoo had no hand in it.

I am going to have Robert count the cemeteries.


Galla Creek said...
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Galla Creek said...
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Anonymous said...

I bet Robert gets it right! Betty's Redheaded girl