Thursday, April 07, 2011

And today...

We went to the cemetery when I got off work today and stayed for about 2 and a half hours.  We got the northwest corner in the foreground on the right cleared.  If you click to enlarge the photo, you can see a gray headstone in that corner.  I took the photo while standing at the edge of Clayton's garden.  Don't tell him.  He does not know I was there.

Well, I stayed for 2 1/2 hours.  George stayed another 45 minutes or so to clean up the piles of brush he had cut.  Here is the cemetery man coming up the driveway.

Spring is here.  This is Patsy's tulip blooming in the old lot across the road from me.  There is still a peony, some daffodils, and orange day lilies growing there.  This is the only tulip, but it is really pretty, like me.  One of a kind.

It looks like it might rain tonight.  If the weather holds, we will go back to the cemetery tomorrow after work. A few more hours and we will have all the little trees out.  There are 3 big dead ones to cut and 2 dead ones that are down and will need to be removed.  I guess we did not make the April 1 deadline.  I think I will try for May 1.  Or May 2nd.  That is a really good day.


Galla Creek said...

Graveyard man
Graveyard man
Clean it if you can
clean it if you can.

Anonymous said...

graveyard man, graveyard man, dig that hole..
graveyard man, graveyard man, it's someone's time to go... helen

Galla Creek said...

Fleta, are you sure you can see that graveyard from Clayton's house. I am doubting that is the graveyard. Maybe just some trees.

Sister--Helen said...

Fleta I am not so sure about compairing you to that flower...But I do see a lot of overgrown grass about to over take everything....