Wednesday, July 07, 2010


I made strawberry freezer jam today. These were not raised in our garden, but they are mine now.

I am going to try to make Helen's salsa either tonight or tomorrow morning. Helen, see the blade laying on top of the handle of the chopper? The blade was inside the 'machine' in the first photo. If I was going to make this salsa to take to a party tomorrow, would it be better to make it tonight or in the morning? They are having a birthday party at work tomorrow, and I thought I would take them some fresh salsa. Clayton says to go easy on the cilantro. I guess I will taste as I go. I have 2 yellow tomatoes from the neighbors. Should I use these to give it more color? As I remember, yellow tomatoes do not have as much acid, or as much taste. I do not really like yellow tomatoes or yellow watermelons.

We should have ripe watermelons in about a week. We cut one open and it was starting to get ripe. I hope they are good. They are black diamonds except for one lone gray striped melon. And I do mean one melon. The vine is not quite as big as the black diamonds but almost and it literally has only one melon on the ten foot vine.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Remember when the stem turns brown on the watermelon it is ready.

Salsa looks good and sounds good. and I love cilantro.