has been out visiting all day. He went over into the 900 numbers south of town. He visited with Tony Poor, Willie and Lorene Newboles, Don Stark's daughter but he can't remember her last name, the Stark woman that works at the library and is such a good friend with Patsy. Yesterday he talked to Bill Roberts. I don't think anyone called Washington DC on him today, unless maybe Tony Poor did.
Today was supposed to be his last day, but he is not through yet. He will work at least tomorrow. Maybe that will be the last.
Betty is going to be at Erin's tomorrow, so tomorrow afternoon I think I will drive down and see them.
THAT census taker is learning the 'gift of gab' all for the sake of the U S of A.
watch out for that Poor boy, he will get you in trouble
I looked at the picture and was surprised because I clicked on the + button and it got larger and I thought how did Fleta get that snap shot on there and make it work....but when I hit the - button it did not get smaller.....all I was doing at first was making the picture larger by clicking on it,,,
If the Goverment would send the census taker to home where the people know you the census job would be a better job.
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