Saturday, April 29, 2006

Rain, rain, rain...

It is still raining. Water was running down the road again today. Jackie has a new lake forming in her yard from a wet weather spring above her house. I think we will call it Lake Jackie.

When it raines for many days in a row, I get the mildues, and turn gray and soggy.

Teacher Sister works crosswords each day in order to ward of alltimers. I heard on the news the other day that new research now indicates active minds may be more susceptible to alltimers.


Sister--Helen said...

Well I could not find the info on alltimers but on Alzheimer’s the info I found stated keeping your mind active minds help prevent it. One article on a study of Nuns said the Nuns that did menial jobs such as house cleaning were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s as apposed to Nuns who worked cross words and other learning tasks...Good thing I am not a Nun.

patsy said...

nun is true

Galla Creek said...

well, I can do the Gazette
crossword most of the time.
Now, if you think that is a
small task..just try it. When
I started trying to...I could
just fill in a few spaces and
now most of the time...I can do
the entire puzzle.

I think we have mental disease
in our family...but do not tell
others. It seems to run in the
Gaddy and Powell families. I
may have it from both sides.
Many times during my life I have
felt like I was going completely
bonkers and did not know why.

One thing for sure, I will never
tell a doctor!!! I believe in
"Cure Thyself"!

And I am really Betty Crocker!
So there!

Sister--Helen said...

No I don’t think it is a small task....It reminds me of Jeopardy, if I know 1 answer I am doing well!

Sister--Helen said...

Pat we all need to pick on Fleta...she is the smart one remember...