Friday, October 16, 2020

Got my flu shot today


Who knows when we will have the other vaccine.  We are certainly seeing an uptick in cases and absences where I work.  

My friend, Kathy, is home from the hospital, so she is better.  However, her sprits are way low.  It is hard to help with no contact, but I did go pick up her prescriptions yesterday and drop them at her door.  I am praying for her full recovery.

Better days are coming so hang on.


Donna. W said...

We both got our flu shot. I'm just hoping when they do get a covid 19 vaccine, I wonder if it will be a sure thing, or perhaps work like the flu shot where you still have a 40% chance of getting the flu after the vaccine takes affect, although it might be a milder case that it would have without a shot. I hope it's like the polio vaccine, so we know we're protected forever.

Galla Creek said...

Hope kathy’s spirits improve soon. Glad she improved enough to get out of the hospital.