Thursday, April 25, 2019

My Projects

Last year on mother's day, I got this planter from Son JR.  The pretty succulents died one by one.  Now I have replanted it with a hardy variety. No watering, no feeding, just occasional dusting.  

One day this week when walking, I say this down in the field.  I thought they all looked dead.  Maybe eaten something poison?  

But as I got closer, they got up and ran off to join the herd.  

When I bought this new camera last year, I got a new card for it.  I did not notice that the card was a micro card that fits inside a larger reader so you can use it in regular slot sized cameras or in the things like cell phones that take the micro cards. Come to my new little tablet computer.  It has a reader for micro cards but not for regular sized cards.  So, the micro card was a lucky buy.

Yesterday, I turned the red mama out with the other goats.  Her baby is still not quite right, but it is sink or swim time.  This morning is really rainy, so I have not let them out just yet.

I am off work today and tomorrow.  This morning I got to school for meetings and then on to see baby Ada with Sister Helen. We are anxious to meet her. 

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