Friday, June 28, 2013


This morning, I got up at 5:30, just like I would if I was going to work.  Well, almost.  I usually leave the house at 5:30.  Everyone else was still fast asleep, so after coffee, I watered flowers, weeded and watered the strawberry patch, washed the chicken poop off the back porch, fed the goats and then started on the garden.  The green stuff to the left of the tomatoes and to the right of the corn below, is lambs quarter.  Betty's garden weed is grass but ours in lambs quarter. Somewhere in with all that lambs quarter is a sparse row of okra.  It did not come up very good, so some long spaces are just weeds.

Corn looks good anyway.  I think it is candy corn, but I am not sure.  I forgot what I planted.

Squash and potatoes.

Okra row after the tiller had been through it several times.

And a few melons next to the tomatoes.  I watered the squash Wednesday night, the tomatoes last night.  Tonight it is the melons turn for a drink.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Hope your water bill is not out of sight. I have an old well to water with. Our Pastor watered last month and he said his bill was $90.00 so not more watering for him.