Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28, Tuesday

Well, blogger will not let me put up a picture tonight.  It just spins and spins.  It must think my name is Helen or Winnie Jo.

Anyway, George has got the waterline he was fixing for the garden put in and buried.   It works, but I stopped watering the garden 2 months ago.  It will be good for next year.  We use it to water the goats in tubs.  The pond is so scummy that about a month ago I started watering them in tubs by hauling the water in the tractor bucket or the back of the truck.  We only have to water them a couple of times a week now.

I still have tomatoes, but  they are very small.  I just pick what I want to use and let the rest go to the bugs.

Son is in ND and has a place to stay tonight.  He says maybe tomorrow they will get a place by the week.  He and another worker he already knew are rooming together.

Helen, he says the laptop works fine.  He will enjoy having the net and it works fine for what he needs.


Galla Creek said...

What town in nd is he in?

patsy said...

i can't post photos either and i wanted to post a photo of Elvis Presley shorts.

Sister--Helen said...

Winnie Jo...Fleet is poking fun at us for not being very good on the computer....Made me feel REALLY bad...did it you...LOL