Sunday, September 04, 2011


George has all the upper cabinets except the one above the fridge.  It is 3 inches shorter than the space.  Jr the carpenter wants me to take it back and buy a custom cabinet for that space.  I do not think that is a worthy use of money since the cabinets above the fridge are too high up to be of any real use.  The cabinets are going in faster than I expected.  The corner cabinet was not in to suit George, so yesterday I finally told him why not just take it out and start over.  He did and the second time he liked it much better.  They look beautiful.

They look so good that I have decided we are going to put in a nice backsplash behind them.  Maybe tile, but we will do all the rest first.

Monday, George will start on the floor cabinets.

Today, we are going to go to tourist city and ride the train for Roberts birthday.  He will be six next week.  He loves trains and trucks.  I think he is going to be really, really excited to ride a real train.  We took him to the zoo last year and he rode a little train for about 10 minutes and thought he was in heaven.


Sister--Helen said...

Happy birthday grand boy! :-)

Galla Creek said...

Happy birthday, Robert...his dad will have a birthday soon.