Friday, July 01, 2011

Yesterday's News

Yesterday was not a window day.  I went to the garden yesterday, early, and got produce to take to Patsy.  I had potatoes, squash and a few green beans.  It was my third picking of the beans and there was not much there.  So, I thought I would go pick Clayton's beans for Patsy.  Maybe he would not be home and would not even know. He was home, but I bet I could have picked them without him knowing because it only took two minutes to pick them.  He has 2 full rows of beautiful, full bean plants but as he told me, he had a ground hog living under his storage shed.  The hog was eating all his beans.  I mean for the two full rows we got about 2 handfuls of beans.

He set this trap for the hog.  When I went for a walk last night, I saw the trap was sprung.  I was afraid the varmet had gotten away, but this morning he said he got him.  I am glad.  I know next he would start on the corn and I want to steal that myself.

Today is window day.  It is almost complete.  Boys are here helping.  pictures to follow.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

I guess you and the groud hog are two of a kind...hang around the neighbors garden and take what you want.

Can't wait to see the windows.