Thursday, May 05, 2011

How many sisters??

First, there is Patsy...

Then Fleta...

Then Betty...

Then Helen...

This was taken a long time ago.  So long I forgot when it was, but from left to right...

Fleta, Helen, Betty, Patsy
Debbie in the insert died in '83.

This was really a long time ago.  Patsy is not in the picture.
Old women are Fleta, Helen, Betty...
Old men are Clayton, Gilbert, and Richard.
Richard died in '08.

The sisters name came from our family history hobby.  Me, Betty and Patsy started looking for our Powell family history sometime in the 90's.  We published a Powell family newsletter for a couple of years and started  our Powell family website.  We needed a name and decided on The Three Sisters.  I even designed us a logo...

We organized a family reunion and had it at my brother Clayton's house even though he had no say in anything to do with the event and no interest in our hobby.  We invited over one hundred that he had never met and he had to feed them all.  Someone at the reunion asked Helen who she was.  She said she was Helen, the fourth Sister.  They said, 'No you are not.  There are only three sisters.'


Donna. W said...

Ah, great entry. Also enlightening. I love your family.

Galla Creek said...

Well, three sisters or four sisters or five sisters...we are one!

Sister--Helen said...

No one knew about me because I was always locked in the smoke house...