The girl is much better. She looked and acted much more like Hannah. Her head was itching, but was not hurting. We stayed till around 3 and then came back home. Her mother called last night and they have now clamped off the drain tube in her head to see how it goes. She said Hannah was sitting up and playing. That is a very good sign. If everything goes well, they will take the tube out today. She will be glad to get rid of that thing.
I was pleased at how much progress she had made in two days. I am off to work now.
Don't have a picture of Erin when she was there having surgery, but she was exactly the age of Hannah.
She looks like the sweet little girl she is.
sweet little red headed baby girl!
Oh my, oh my... What a Grand Girl...we will pray..
i think that is my quilt that i made covering the sweet baby.
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