Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Christmas Story

I am not a big fan of Christmas trees. I have been looking for some years now for a ceramic tree but had not found one I liked that I wanted to pay for. Yesterday, at one of the thrift shops, I found this little tree that is about 8 inches tall with a light in the base. It was very affordable at only $3. The only thing is, several of the little colored bulbs were missing. These are not actually light bulbs, but just colored globes. I do not think you can buy replacements. However, there were two more trees sitting beside this one that were not as nice but also priced at $3. Several bulbs were missing from each of these trees. I took some of the bulbs off one of the other trees and put in this one to make it full and went up to pay for it. The really nice lady was wrapping it up for me when she noticed that one bulb was missing. She started looking all over for the missing bulb, with me telling her not to worry. It is alright. As I paid the $3, she said if I would leave my number, if she found the missing bulb lying on the floor or something, she would call me. I did not leave my number. Merry Christmas Tree.


Galla Creek said...

I have a ceramic one with a little light inside it. One light! Laura got it for me I think. It is about 8 inches tall perfect for me.

Sister--Fleta said...

Betty, does yours have bulbs like this?

Could you send me one of the bulbs from yours so I can see if they are the same as mine?

Sister--Helen said...

Well Sister, in looking at the picture the tree looks like it is a little crooked....I guess that is fitting....

Unknown said...

they had an add in today's paper for your little tree in a whole kit to make it...maybe you could go to KMart and see if they have the kit...look inside to see if it comes with bulbs....I'm just saying

patsy said...

I called around and found the nice lady in the store told her my name was F. A. and my noumber was -------. she said they wanted me to come in and bring the tree.