Monday, October 18, 2010

My lucky day

Today, I thought I was going to have to go to Junior's after work and take care of Emmy until he got off work, but she went to her mother's and I got to come on home after work. I had a sink full of dishes to wash, but when I got home, George was finishing up the last of the dirty dishes. Now, the cousins are here cutting hay so George is down there helping. I brought home chicken for supper so I do not have to cook tonight.

I am set for the evening. Maybe I will read a book.

And, no that was not ice in the picture from the other day. That was the sun glistening off the condensation on the table top. It did make a pretty picture.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Ring the bell, the chicken is ready.

I loaned the one Drop book to a friend she read it and liked it. I had read it before, but as she talked about it I could tell I had forgotten much so I am re reading it. Now on C. 4.

Better be careful someone will steal the cow bell.