Monday, June 21, 2010

Hay, Hogs, Beans and Sunflowers

Kenneth came over today and cut the hay. Supposed to be back Wednesday to bale it.

My sunflowers are over 7 feet tall. I did not know until last year when I grew several sunflowers, but the bumble bees just love sunflowers. There are 3 or more working most of my sunflowers. I love seeing the sunflowers. Thanks to Betty for the idea of planting them in the garden.

The pigs go to the butcher tomorrow.

Pretty flowers all in a row.
I got a ice cream bucket of beans from my piece of a row yesterday. I told brother he could pick the long row tomorrow, but he came down around 4 and picked 2 ice cream buckets. He lacked about 10 feet finishing the row. I picked another bucket from that end. I have cooked mine and I am going to put them in the freezer. I know you do not have to cook them to freeze them, but that is what I wanted to do.
I am not picking the sunflowers except for some to plant next year. I have a half dozen or so that are only about 4 feet tall and the flowers are the same size as these. I am going to only save seed from the short ones for next year. I think I will plant sunflowers on the bank down by the mail boxes next year.
I have flowers everywhere all around the house. I have a flower jungle.


Galla Creek said...

Red birds love the sunflowers. Larry's mom and granny planted them by the garden.

Sister--Helen said...

well yu do have sun flowers