Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The benefits of my job

One of my favorite sayings is that one best benefits of my current job as compared to my former jobs is the great days off. I am going to enjoy those days off benefits until next Tuesday morning.

I went to the library and got these books, and to the thrift store and got these magazines (10 cents each). I am going to enjoy sitting under the air reading or doing whatever I want.

And, Helen, I did mean the swimmer. This hand cream is really greasy and would be good for helping swimmers slip through the water. I do not care enough to change the post or delete your comments.

Speaking of work, our big boss (the one over everything) has been making life hard for me. He has started blogging on the company's website. When you open up explorer, there is his blog link and it it hard for me not to click and see what he or his writer has to say. After reading, it is sometimes hard for me to refrain from making signature comments. At first, his propaganda was mostly directed to his associates (the ones he comes in contact with every day). Then, they sent a survey out to all in the email contacts asking for opinions on his bloggy thingy. I had to give my 2 cents. Mainly, I said I thought he was preaching to the choir in that surely most of management was already onboard with the things he was preaching to them about. I told him to turn and speak to the congregation. I sense a somewhat lower tone to his messages at times, but not always. Last week he asked for opinions on how our stock was doing. I said standard advise was buy low, sell high and we seem to have the first part down pat. Second part needs some work. This week, he is wanting to know what we do on vacation. I had a really, really, really, hard time resisting commenting with my favorite benefit statement. I will not be back at work till Tuesday and by then he will have up a new subject to temp me.

And, I have had new potatoes for almost 2 weeks now. I think tonight I will have hot dogs for the man, black eyed peas (from a can), fried new potatoes and fried poke stalks.

I have some good sized green tomatoes on my Early Girl tomatoes and several little sweet peppers. In 2 weeks I expect to be eating vine ripened tomatoes.


Galla Creek said...

My GOOD advice is to keep those comments to yourself and stay away from his blog. Read Patsy instead.

His blog could get you into trouble!

Sister--Helen said...

yes Fleta we all agree that if you put in your 2 cents that might be all you get on your last pay check...

Sister--Helen said...

well the swimmers name is spitz....I am glad you do not know about spritz...

Sister--Helen said...

well I saw the Oprah book there...I hope you enjoy it more than I have...I can read about 10 pages at a time and then put it down for hours...It is not as good as I expected...