Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Some news for Helen...

Well, sorta news. I went to the historical society today to pick up papers to transcribe and Omagene was asking if Lois' estate had sold yet. I told her I thought the lawyer Charlie Davis had gotten the place. She said Charlie Davis was lawyer and was Lois' cousin. She said his mother was Stella Fultz, sister to Lizzie Morris.
She knows someone who she thinks will know the details and she is going to ask. When I go back, I will probably find out more.
I found these daffodils when I came in today. Three days ago, I had only the one bloom. My daffodils always bloom really early because they are right up against the hill.
It is nice, about 65 degrees, but the wind is really blowing. It looks like it is going to blow up a rain. It rained some last night. I checked several of my windows this morning before I went to work and they were dry, dry, dry. It is a good feel for the rain to stay outside. KY 3 says rain tomorrow.
It is 5 pm and George is not home again. It is probably redoing all the things he turned down today.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

the flowers are so pretty. Mine are not blooming yet.