Saturday, February 06, 2010


I answered Betty's question. I answered Helen's question. Now I have a question. I think this is for Betty or Erin.

I am trying to work the Jumbel in today's paper. I have all the words except one and I have the answer. Now I need a wrod from YILSAM. It goes __ __ O O O __. The o's are the letters ALS, and the three dashes are YIM. What is the word?

I do the cryptoquote in the paper often, and usually get it right off. I don't usually do the jumble because I am not good at it because I am not a good speller. I can often get the answer to the puzzle but still not know all the words.

So, what word is YILSAM?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mislay ??

at first i thought asilym... but that has a u not an i. did i get all the letters? i didn't even cheat.
