Well, the back room was M-T (just say it). We painted it, all the walls and the closet doors. George and Greg put down the plywood for the floor. It is not quite M-T now. It has a bed on the floor and the TV because the kids slept there for 2 nights. It looks so much better now. Hannah says it is so pretty.
I have got to get the bed painted and put up. Then, I am going to spray paint my different shelves black and put them in there. I think it will look good. It already looks much better then it did. Painting the ceiling a solid off-white really improved the room and painting the dark paneling helped also. the ceiling had wood strips between the panels. It looks so much better all white.
But it is no longer MT. But it is almost MT.
I guess it is empty?
ohsheit....just say it
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