Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The ?????????? Place

This is a 1985 land owners map with the area I was taking photos of below. The red lines are lines I drew that approximate the new road for this 'fox wood' subdivision of pasture and grey chat road. You can see that on this map, Virgil and Lois own all this land. David said Lois sold at least part of this before she died and now whoever bought it is trying this scam to get people to buy it in small lots.

What I really wanted to know is who lives at the end of the dirt road (CR 344 on here and CR 849 by the current road marker). This says it is Gene Combs. So, now I know. I never knew exactly where Gene Combs lived.

What I remember about this land that the Morris's bought sometime in the 70's?? was that Daddy called it the 'Myers place'. That may be wrong, but that is the way I remember it. Sometimes I remember things that ain't.

I see that Virgil Myers owns land connected to this. I am thinking the Morris' bought this land from Virgil or some of his kin. But, it is likely that Jessie Tom Maples lived on this little road in one of the old home places I saw. Jessie died in 1932, but his wife Mary Jane lived to 1955. Their daughter, Etha Maples Dillon and her husband Lon Dillon may have owned the place after that. Etha died in 1968. I remember their son Jessie Dillon living in a little shack at Coin next to the Church house.

1 comment:

Galla Creek said...

Why is Daddy's land not listed?
Did you write in those names? I don't think you did.