Tuesday, April 24, 2007

And, the rest of the story

After visiting the dead, I took Patsy home and drove down to Harrison to the library. They were having a book sale at the library. They had a room full of books that no one wanted and you could fill a bag for $3. My bag rannith over. I bought 27 books for $19 including a dictionary of dictionaries and an Oxford History of the American People. I have books about Kenya, Sutters Fort, A Stillness at Appomattox and one named Wild Goose chase. But the prize book I paid $2 for, which is what it cost new in 1927 when General Electric published Electric Refirgerator Recipes and Menus specially prepared for the General Electric Refrigerator. I am sure as much as we enjoyed visiting the dead, Pasty would have enjoyed the $3 bag sale even more. I may pass some of the books on to her when I get them read, but not the history books or my dictionary of dictionaries or my refirgerator recipies...


Anonymous said...

Patsy is mad because you did not take her. Shame on you!

Sister--Helen said...

You know your Sweet Niece Erin collects cook Books....After all what are you going to do with it after you look through it a few times?????

Anonymous said...

It is probably too old for her to understand.

Sweetness Fleta

Anonymous said...

Sweetest sister is really