Saturday, April 01, 2006

One Good Man

This is a picture I got of my husband when we visited his sister last month. It reminds me of my son.

My husband and I are very different but we have done well together. We never fight and argue like so many married couples (married 30+ years). We both want to be boss which caused problems early on. Now, we both get to boss, but no one pays any attention. He tells me what to do, I tell him what to do, and we each do whatever we please.

Husband has not adjusted well to the techo world of today. He plays cards on the computer, no other game just free cell. He has learned to go online and search for things but sometimes I have to help. He will not use our bank card. We both have cell phones that we only occassionally use, I much more than he. I got a new cell phone and he wants one like it. Why? Because it displays the time and date in a window on the front. He wants to buy a cell phone to use as a watch. He has a watch to that sits on the kitchen counter all the time, never wears it. Now he wants a cell phone so he can put it in his truck and use it as a watch. He would not have to wear it or ever unhook it from its charger in his truck.

He did use his cell phone one day this week. We had to take his truck to have it worked on. On the way home, I am driving along and he whips in front of me on the road. My cell rings. I answer, he says, turn your blinker off. He can use the phone to call me and tell me how to drive. I thought about turning on my flashers instead of turning off my blinker. The years have mellowed me somewhat. I hung up and turned my bleeping blinker off.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Posted by Picasa


Galla Creek said...

Good men are a hard to find
commodity. Better off to keep
the first one you find is my

patsy said...

poor old george

Sister--Helen said...

When Mike and I rode motorcycles we had CB radios. He would call me and tell me to shift to a higher or lower gear, slow down, speed up, or whatever. He wanted to drive mine by remote control. I would say,” You’re breaking up! You're breaking up!" and turn my radio off!